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Santane is awarded Third Party Inspection and certification of Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP) in 17 GAs awarded to IOCL in 9th & 10th round of CGD Bidding


As per the PNGRB Gazette Notification regarding Compliance of Regulations 2010 on Code of Practice of Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP), all CGD entities are required to prepare their respective Emergency Response and Disaster Plan (ERDMP) in line with the PNGRB notified checklist. Separate documents for different locations require data collection categorization of incidents, reorganization of existing plan and integrating with NDMP, PNGRB and other statutory requirements.

This is to ensure appropriateness and adequacy of the emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan, which should address issues, risk assessment, Identification of major hazards/ criticalities, requirements and mitigation measures specific to an installation located at particular GAs.

The intent of accreditation of ERDMP document by party is to ensure appropriateness and adequacy of the emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan, which should address issues, risk assessment, Identification of major hazards/ criticalities, requirements and mitigation measures specific to an installation located at particular GAs.

ERDMP Certification project comprises of three activities mentioned below:

A. Activity -1 : REVIEW & GAP ANALYSIS

Review and gap analysis by Santane Team of experts and auditors and offering recommendations and formulating the ERDMP of 17 GAs in line with PNGRB guidelines


Submission of Draft audit report for review and comments of IOCL and Action Plan for Mitigation measures suggested / agreed along with time schedule.

C. Activity – 3 : CERTIFICATIONS

Issuance the ERDMP Certificate within a fixed time frame of 3 months from the date of the Call-up Purchase order.